Service Legal Agreement

Effective date: 14/07/2020

This Service Level Agreement between Captio Tech S. L (hereinafter, “Captio”) and (hereinafter, the “Customer”), the object of which is the provision of the IT services required for assistance and maintenance for the provision of Captio’s services for the Invoices module of ChromeRiver ordered by the Customer.

Purpose and objectives

The purpose of this document is to ensure that the appropriate elements and commitments are in place so that the Service Provider provides an effective IT service to the Customer, both in terms of assistance and deliveries. The objectives are as follows:

  • Establishing a clear framework in terms of the ownership of the service, responsibilities, functions and/or obligations.

  • Providing a clear, concise and measurable description of the service provision to the Customer.

  • Adapting the perception of expectations of the service provision to the assistance and supply of real services.

Service management


Availability is taken to mean the percentage of time in which the service is able to fulfil the objective for which it is designed.

Availability %= (Total time – unavailable total service) / total time *100

Depending on the service, Captio commits to providing the monthly availability indicated in the following table.

Web application 99%
Access to data 99%
Automatic scanning service 99%

*This availability does not include maintenance or interruptions that are duly announced to the system’s users.

Notification of maintenance tasks will be given at least three (3) days in advance. The planned downtime will not exceed 7 hours per month.

For failure in 3 or more consecutive months, or a single failure where Service Availability is below 90%, Customer shall have the right to terminate the Service and receive a prorate refund of the prepaid unused fees as of the date of the termination.


Technical information

Contact information


Incident type and response time:

a) Critical impact on business continuity:

  • Significant deterioration of the service: The Client cannot continue to work.

  • Initial response: 2 hours within working hours.

  • Actions at Captio: i) Allocation of the appropriate resources to maintain continued efforts until the incident is resolved; ii) Creation of a communication channel in order to track the incident resolution process.

  • Captio Security’s Client Engagement Requirements: Client to participate on a technical fault isolation call (24x7) until a solution and or work around is found.


b) Moderate impact on business continuity

  • Moderate deterioration of the service. The client can continue to work reasonably well.

  • Initial response: 4 hours within working hours

  • Actions at Captio: i) Allocation of the appropriate resources to maintain continued efforts until the incident is resolved; ii) Creation of a communication channel in order to track the incident resolution process.

  • Captio Security’s Client Engagement Requirements: Client to participate on a technical fault isolation call (24x7) until a solution and or work around is found.


c) Minimal impact on business continuity

  • Minimal deterioration of the service or doubts about operation. The client is practically able to work normally.

  • Initial response: 8 hours within working hours

  • Actions at Captio: Allocation of sufficient resources to resolve the incident


d) Request for information or feature modifications

  • Client request product documentation or other information that does not require troubleshooting and issue resolution.


• If a Client cannot commit to the Captio’s Client Engagement requirement as detailed in section a) and b), Captio reserve the right to lower the severity of the issue reported to support until such time as this can be met.

Operating procedure
  • The user notifies the Captio Support Department of the incident.
  • Captio creates a support ticket on the incident-tracking portal. The user receives e-mail notification.
  • Captio categorizes the incident under the levels indicated and appoints a case manager.
  • The Captio case manager contacts the client via the support portal or by telephone if necessary.
  • Captio resolves the incident and contacts the affected party to confirm that it has been resolved.
  • Captio closes the incident. The affected party receives e-mail notification.

Service exclusions

Captio’s commitment to service availability is not applicable in the case of performance or availability problems that are attributable to:

  • Factors beyond Captio’s control (for instance, network failures, outages in Microsoft’s data centres).

  • Use of the service by the Customer that is incompatible with the documentation provided by the tool.

  • Use of the service by the Customer without following the recommendations for use indicated by Captio.

  • The use of web browser of operating systems that are not supported by the manufacturer (obsolete software).

  • Customer network inaccessible for Captio’s services.

  • Use of hardware in poor condition.

  • Maintenance tasks performed by Captio that were properly announced in line with the present Agreement.